Doctor holding a stomach model for gastric ulcer treatment with homeopathy.

What is a Gastric Ulcer?

A gastric ulcer is an ulcer on the lining of the stomach due to the corrosive effects of stomach acid and digestive enzymes. The case with stomach ulcers is different because they occur in the stomach and not in the duodenum, which is the upper part of the small intestine. These ulcers are an effect of an imbalance between digestive acids and the stomach’s protective ability. Factors that may lead to an ulcer include acid overproduction, weakened mucous defences, and external influence by drugs.

Peptic ulcers is a broad category with subcategories as duodenal and esophageal ulcers, which forms the peptic ulcer. An occurrence of a gastric ulcer can hinder normal digestive process leading to many symptoms related to the gastrointestine. If not treated adequately,  stomach ulcers can lead to serious complications such as internal bleeding, perforation, and gastric obstruction which may be fatal.

Symptoms of Gastric Ulcer

Recognition of the symptoms within a timely manner will aid in the diagnosis and treatment of gastric ulcers. Common symptoms are as follows:

1. Abdominal Pain: It is a gnawing or burning feeling within the upper part of the abdomen. The pain could occur between meals, or even at night. The condition may persist from a few minutes to some hours.

2. Nausea and Vomiting: Patients with stomach ulcers are usually nauseated and sometimes vomit. There may be blood in the vomit, suggesting bleeding into the stomach.

3. Bloating and Belching: Accumulation of excess gas leads to bloating and frequent belching, making the patient uncomfortable in the abdomen.

4. Loss of Appetite and Weight Loss: Continued pain and discomfort after eating leads to reduced appetite and unintended weight loss.

5. Indigestion: General gastrointestinal discomfort with or without feeling of being full or heartburn can be present.

6. Dark or Tarry Stools: Melena is the medical term for blood in stool. It is dark or tarry and is associated with internal bleeding.

7. Fatigue: Anemia related to chronic blood loss due to bleeding ulcers often occurs with persistent tiredness and weakness.

However, most cases of Stomach ulcers show the patients having little or no signs. Routine check-up should therefore be done to get an early diagnosis, which should especially be done to the highest risk cases.

Causes of Gastric Ulcers

The major causes include several factors that interfere with the protection of the stomach. The major causes for the formation of gastric ulcers are as follows:

1. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) Infection: It is the main bacterium source of peptic ulcer. Infection of H. pylori may impair or diminish the stomach’s mucous layer, which makes it vulnerable to acid.

2. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): Long-term use of any NSAID like aspirin or ibuprofen continuously makes a stomach lining inflamed and irritated. This reduces the natural resistance ability of the stomach.

3. Overproduction of Acid: Some diseases that cause the stomach to produce too much acid, such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, cause ulcers.

Lifestyle Causes:

1. Smoking: Smoking increases the secretion of stomach acid and delays healing of ulcers.

2. Alcoholism: Alcoholism causes damage to the lining of the stomach and also increases the secretion of acids.

3. Stress: Not a direct cause, but chronic stress can exacerbate symptoms and delay healing.

4. Dietary Factors: Diet alone does not cause peptic ulcers, but may aggravate symptoms and potentially delay healing. Spicy foods, caffeine, and highly acidic food products may all contribute to discomfort in some patients.

5. Genetic Predisposition: There is a familial preponderance of ulcers, implying that susceptibility may be of genetic origin.

Understanding these causes is crucial for prevention and effective treatment. Resolution of the root causes, including eradication of H. pylori infection or reducing the use of NSAIDs, may help in better outcomes.

Prevention of Gastric Ulcers

Prevention of gastric ulcers involves the reduction of risk factors and lifestyle changes that protect the stomach lining. The following are key prevention strategies:

1. Limit NSAID Use: Use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in limited amounts and under medical prescription. When needed, take it along with food to minimize the irritating effect of the drug on the stomach lining. Acetaminophen should also be used as an alternative when available.

2. Avoid Smoking and Reduce Alcohol: Quitting smoking or reducing alcohol consumption greatly diminishes the risk of forming ulcers and can improve healing.

3. Manage Stress: Regular exercise, meditation, yoga, or other stress-reducing practices may help to maintain overall gut health.

4. Healthy Diet: Maintaining a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is important. High-fiber foods, particularly those containing flavonoids, may inhibit the growth of H. pylori.

5. Regular medical check-up: Risk groups such as a family history of ulcers and long-term user of NSAIDs can be diagnosed in the early stages of this disease with regular checkup.

6. Good hygiene practice: Infections are acquired mostly by food and water contaminated by H. pylori ; therefore, good hygiene practices in the form of frequent hand washing will prevent infection.

7. Antibiotic Therapy: The patients infected with H. pylori should complete their course of antibiotics so that the bacteria are eradicated, and the ulcers do not recur.

These measures may prevent gastric ulcers from developing and improve digestive health significantly.

Best Homeopathic Medicine for Gastric Ulcer

Homeopathy has an alternative application in the treatment of gastric ulcers through stimulation of the body’s own healing capacities. It should be mentioned that although many people find relief using homeopathic preparations, there are not so many scientific evidences for its efficacy. One must consult a licensed practitioner of conventional medicine before using any homeopathic preparations if receiving conventional treatment. Common Homeopathic Remedies for stomach ulcers:

1. Nux Vomica: This remedy is very commonly prescribed for ulcers accompanied by irritability, nausea, and intolerance to pungent foods. Nux Vomica is for people whose digestive activities are affected by tension or taking too much stimulants in the form of coffee and alcoholic beverages.
2. Arsenicum Album: For the ulcers with burning sensation and fear of bad health. This medicine is probably going to be useful for the person who cannot lie down and has a sore feeling which becomes relieved by an application of warmth.
3. Lycopodium: For the swollen, indigestive patient who fears to make mistakes and is perfectionist. Indicated when ulcers are related with fear of failure or criticism.
4. Chamomilla: It is indicated when ulcers are related with great sensitivity to pain and irritability. When people are flooded with pain and require pacifying.
5. Belladonna: For ulcers which have sudden, acruate pain with redness in the stomach region and appears appropriate for acute cases as pain comes on quickly.
6. Phosphorus: Suits ulcers which feature burning and emptiness inside the stomach. May especially suit sympathetic and sensitive folks who tend to over-exert themselves.

Even though these treatments are commonly employed in homeopathic practice, the effectiveness of the treatment is different for every individual. Homeopathy should always be administered along with orthodox medical treatment and not independently. Medical care, diet changes, and lifestyle change are some of the general treatments adopted for stomach ulcers.


Gastric ulcers are an important health issue and, therefore, can cause some inconvenience as well as serious complications when not well managed. Knowing what stomach ulcers are, identifying their symptoms, their causes, and how to institute preventive measures are important steps toward handling this condition. Although conventional medical treatments are still the mainstay of successful ulcer management, some patients use homeopathic remedies as adjunct treatments. But homeopathic treatments must be done with caution and under the guidance of professionals.

Disclaimer:- The above article is for information and awareness purposes only. No medical information can replace a consultation with a healthcare professional. If you have questions or concerns about a medical condition, always consult your physician or other qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read here. Homeopathic remedies should be used in tandem with a health professional if one has an illness like Peptic ulcers, which might require medical treatment.

Consult us for Better Health

Dr. Ankur Prakash is a trusted name among the best homeopathy doctors in India, renowned for his expertise in treating kidney disorders, thyroid issues, skin problems, and even cancer. With a compassionate, patient-first approach, he focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of health concerns through personalized and holistic care. His gentle yet effective treatments aim to not just alleviate symptoms but enhance overall well-being.

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